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Series 6 (2011) Pt 2

This series was the first to be broadcast in two sections. The actual reasoning for this has not been clearly explained but it did allow me to start this website during the break and get all the Catch-up reviews posted before the second half was aired so the remaining episodes could all have Live Reviews here for the first time.

You can find my reviews for the first 7 episodes of this series in the Catch-up section HERE

Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler

A title that filled me with dread from the moment I saw it at the end of episode 6... Moffat was up to his teasing tricks again and it actually turned out to be a really cool episode and one not to miss.

Live Review HERE

Episode 9: Night Terrors

As you might expect from the title, this was another play on childhood scares. It was dark and clever like "Fear Her" but better. Unfortunately there were just enough production/design errors to stop it being quite as effective as it could have been.

Live Review HERE

Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited

A very simple premise but beautifully executed with well designed elements and plenty of innovations and twists to make it a powerful story.

Live Review HERE

Episode 11: The God Complex

A big empty hotel, a small group of people who have survived a mysterious monster that nobody can describe and the surprise appearance of a well known comedy actor. Mystery is certainly the name of the game here with just a sprinkling to remind you of where the series is going.

Live Review HERE

Episode 12: Closing Time

The calm before the storm... James Corden returns as Craig Owens for a little light relief but a very old foe is back and things get interesting, just when you thought it was safe to go into the department store!

Live Review HERE

Episode 13: The Wedding Of River Song

Series finale... so you know it's going to be big, and all the questions of the series will be answered and loose ends tied up... but not everything is what you might expect and it's always good to leave some things in the air...

Live Review HERE

Christmas 2011: The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe

Not quite what was expected from the preview, or indeed the opening sequence, but it was a Christmas episode with fun for the kids. It seams like Amy and Rory are destined to never feature in the main Christmas plot though...

Live Review HERE