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Series 8 (2014)

The long and eagerly awaited début of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor ushered in other changes. The show always evolves when a new Doctor takes over and new producers make their mark. This time, things are darker with slower, more dramatic scenes, but nothing too different. The look and feel is very slick and it feels like the 50th anniversary has really boosted budget and expectation.

Episode 1: Deep Breath

The title is metaphorical and literal. When a new actor steps into the role of the Doctor, you never quite know what you're going to get. With the expectation built up around Capaldi being the prefect choice and new titles about to be unveiled, we all took a deep breath in anticipation... It may not have been a smooth ride for the Doctor, but this was a reboot that would bring new gloss to old ideas and ended with a sign of relief

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Episode 2: Into The Dalek

Fresh Dalek episode ideas are hard to come by after fifty years but this one was way out there in originality. Again, a few old ideas come together in a new way and help answer the questions "What's it like to be inside a Dalek?" and "Is it really possible to have a good Dalek?" One of those questions should be easy to answer but the Doctor needs to find out for himself.

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Episode 3: Robot Of Sherwood

There's no such thing as heroes. Given the choice of where to go, Clara says she has always wanted to meet Robin Hood... The Doctor obliges with the relevant time and space coordinates but warns her that she will only be disappointed because the man never existed, then promptly meets him! Could the legends be true after all?

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Episode 4: Listen

Question: Why do we talk aloud wen we know we are along? Conjecture: Because we know we're not! Why are we afraid of the nothing that is under our bed? A creature evolved to remain perfectly hidden. What would such a creature do when we start talking to ourselves? The Doctor is about to find out and there are some surprising origins.

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Episode 5: Time Heist

The Doctor and Clara find themselves involved in a bank heist with two mysterious strangers, but none of them remember how or why they got involved. All they know is that their lives are at risk if they are caught. It would be so much easier if they had the TARDIS, but where is it and who is Architect who devised the plan?

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Episode 6: The Caretaker

The Doctor goes undercover at Coal Hill school as a caretaker, only he doesn't tell Clara. The children and potentially everyone else is in danger and there is nothing she can do, but the Doctor has a plan. It's just a shame there is a lot of guff thrown in to this episode because it could have been so much better...

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